CVA Accomplishment Program
Level 1
Task 1 - 5 Touch and Goes - Right to Left
Task 2 - 5 Touch and Goes - Left to Right
Task 3 - Immelman
Task 4 - Dead Stick Landing
Task 5 - 10 Consecutive Loops
Task 6 - 2 Consecutive Rolls

Each task must be witnessed and signed off by another CVA member.
Touch and Goes  - The five touch and goes must be done on 5 consecutive passes.  Missing
        touch on pass or stopping engine requires starting over.
Immelman - The Immelman (1/2 inside loop, ½ roll to upright) must be demonstrated 3
        successive times.  The goal is to perform a recognizable maneuver without major
Dead Stick Landing - Pilot takes off and flies for 30 seconds.  At any time after the 30 seconds,
        the witness calls "land" and the engine must be immediately stopped.  Landing must be
        on the runway and the plane must be undamaged.
Consecutive Loops - Loops must be done with no pauses in between loops.
Consecutive Rolls  - Rolls must be done with no pauses in between rolls.

Level 1 Achievers
1. Pete Rawlings - 21 May 2000
2. John Backes - 10 June 2000
3. Dave Heape - 22 August 2001
4. Mark Motter - 26 October 2002
5. Ed Zwerski - 3 November 2002
6. Harry Ashworth - 6 May 2004
7. John Shelton - 23 May 2004
8. Tom Treese - 17 August 2005
9. Eduardo Voloch - 14 October 2006
10. Steve Klute - 9 April 2007
11, Bob Marsh - 13 April 2007
12. Buck Morning - 30 June 2007
13. Joe Musika - 20 August 2007
14. Alan Fry - Summer 2010
This page was last updated on: October 12, 2011