Wyatt Mason & Gary Ellington
on the Buddy Box with a Cub Scout.
Va. State Trooper, Officer Blydenburg
on the Box.
Billy Van Cleave Jr.showing these Cub Scouts how the Transmitter works.
Ground School for the Cub Scouts.
A complete program of how a plane flies was given prior to going on the Buddy Box.
Who is having the most Fun ?
104 Teddy Bears donated to the State Toopers.
Ken Howard, Officers Smith & Blydeng, Ken Howard Jr., John Backes, & Bill Van Cleave.
Va. State Trooper, Officer Smith
get his hand on the box.
Mike Foster & Dave Heape giving instruction.
Bob Felberg & Pete Rawlings
doing loops with a new pilot.
Bob & Pete with one of the
30 plus Cub Scouts that got
a chance to experiance the
thrill of flight.
Mike & Gary prepairing
another Pilot Trainey.
Every Scout got to
fly for several minutes.
Success !! Every Scout recieved a certificate of acomplishment.
Photos by Carlo LaFiandra and Ken Howard Sr.
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