Harry takes over first place in Broken Prop Competition.  Engine in two pieces!
Joe Bullock, Jr. -  This is a common sight since he soloed - burning some fuel!
   Ultra Stick 60 after Hover attempt             Joe Bullock, Jr. - The agony of defeat!
Bill Hamby's BIG Extra 300 - engine DA150 ,wing span 133" length from spinner to tip of rudder 117" prop 30x12 , scratch built ,drew up on a napking at the breakfast table and in 9 weeks Yuri had it covered and flying . weight 42 lbs, 45 % of the real plane .
Ed Zwerski shows the box that he is using to carry weight for the payload event.  The box is made of balsa with hardwood dowel to rubber band the box to the bottom of the plane.  It is 2.25 inches deep and holds 6 lbs. in the main compartment.  Contact John Backes for details.