Held March 17 and 18 at the Williamburg Outlet Mall in Lightfoot, Virginia
2nd Place - Bill
Hamby's Giles 202 (CP)
Pete Rawlings (BH)
Arne Svenland (BK)
Ralph Moscater (BH)
Bill VanCleave (CP)
Bill Hamby (CP)
John Hoffmeyer (BH)
Bob Kramer II (BK)
Ralph Moscater (CP)
Dave, Bob and Bob (BH)
Pete Rawlings (CP)
Wyatt and Bob (CP)
Ivan Davis (CP)
Flight Simulator (CP)
Pete Rawlings (CP)
Best of show - Carl Purgold's P-51 Mustang (CP)
3rd Place - Pete
Rawling's Fokker (CP)
People's Choice Voting Results
Interacting with the Public
Hard at work
Engine Display (CP)
Bill Hamby (BK)
Kit Building (CP)
Info Display (BK)
Ralph's Laser (BH)
Will's Bearcat (CP)
Bill's Giles 2002 (BH)
Hanging Planes (BF)
Preparations (BF)
Flight Simulator (BH)
Photo Credits:
BF = Bob Felberg, BH = Bill Hamby, BK= Bob Keynton, CP = Carl Purgold
Click on pictures for larger view - Photo credits at bottom of page.
Bill VanCleave, CVA Activities Chairman, presents Bill Sexton of Williamsburg, winner of the Mall Show Raffle with the Easy Fly 40 while Pete Rawlings looks on. The Easy Fly 40 is a ready to fly trainer with engine and radio installed.