Small Plane and Electric Event 2001
Photo credits at end of text. KHS = Ken Howard Sr. and BVC = Bill VanCleave
Single Pole Pylon Race Pilots and Spotters - KHS
Goin' home in a bag! - KHS
Ken Howard Jr. and the remains of his Extra 3.25 - KHS
Ken Howard, Jr. with Dad's Soarstar - KHS
Dave Heape with his 20 size Cub - KHS
Bill VanCleave with his Stinger 10 - KHS
Ralph Moscater with his Rascal 25 - KHS
Ken Howard Sr. with his Planes - KHS
Bob Felberg with his Planes - KHS
Pete Rawlings with his 9 Planes - KHS
John Backes and Dave Robelen reliving the midair - KHS
John Backes' Soarstar chewed up in the Single Pole Pylon Race - BVC
Timmy Lewis' Parakeet - BVC
Activity at the picnic shelter KHS
University of Florida Micro Air Vehicle - see favorite links for more details - BVC