It is the intent of the Training Staff at the Colonial Virginia Aeromodelers RC Club to provide assistance for potential new pilots, help them enjoy the RC hobby and learn to safely control their airplanes. We also feel it is important to help student pilots learn the skills necessary to “solo” while at the same time minimizing the potential for damage to their equipment. By giving this type of help, we believe we can make the learning experience much more pleasant as well as much safer for everyone. Our Training Staff is a very friendly and helpful group of experienced pilots who can guide you through the learning process at a pace suited to your desire and ability, in a professional and enjoyable manner. RC flying is FUN, and we enjoy helping people find that out and join us at our excellent and scenic flying field.
There are some prerequisites for learning to fly at our field. The first is membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA). The second is membership in our CVA club. There is minimal paperwork and reasonable cost associated with each, and each can be accomplished quite quickly. The potential student can join the AMA online HERE. The application for membership in our club can be downloaded HERE.
The major components of our Training Plan include: inspection of the student’s aircraft to assure it is airworthy and safe; guidance (if necessary) as to what must be done to improve the plane’s safety or performance; and actual hands-on instruction using the “buddy-box’ method to speed the learning process. Using the “buddy-box” method means that the instructor will hook up a second transmitter that is compatible with yours so that the he can fly your plane to a height and in a direction where you will be able to briefly take over control to start to get the feel of the plane. Should you need help the staff member only has to release a spring-loaded switch to allow him to take control should it be necessary. If you are a real “natural” you may be able to do considerable flying quite soon. But, the instructor is always there to quickly get you out of trouble if necessary.
The next section on this web site is the “Student Guide” which outlines the steps we use to help the new pilot progress to the point that he/she can “solo”. That section also contains “Safety Tips” which we believe to be prudent and essential.
If you think you have an interest in trying (or even just watching) RC flight, you are welcome to come visit us at our field anytime. Members are there most afternoons and weekends when the weather is decent. Directions to the field can be downloaded HERE on this web page.
Contact information for training staff members is as follows:
Don Trump Instructor